Invincibility: Enter "LORDOFSITH" at the code screen. Unlimited ammunition: Enter "NOHONOR" at the code screen. All multi-player levels: Enter "LETSDANCE" at the code screen. Three bonus objectives for current mission marked complete: Enter "ALITTLEHELP" at the code screen. All bonus materials: Enter "IGIVEUP" at the code screen. Team photos: Enter "YOURMASTERS" at the code screen. All FMV sequences: Enter "GOTPOPCORN" at the code screen. Battle Droid unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level: Enter "FODDER" as a code. Super Battle Droid unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level: Enter "SUPERFODDER" as a code. Clone trooper unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level: Enter "CARBONCOPY" at the code screen.