View credits: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, White, Left(2) at the main menu. High suspension: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, White, Left, Right at the main menu. Mini cars: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, White, Down, Up at the main menu. Wire frame cars: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, White, Right, Left at the main menu. Bonus cars: Enter one of the following names at the driver creation screen to unlock the corresponding car in any game mode. Audrey Clark Benny Parsons (TNT Sports car) Benny Parsons2 (NBC Sports car) Buster Auton (pace car) Cheryl King Chuck Spicer Crissy Hillsworth Daryl Wolfe Dave Alpern Dave Nichols Diane Grubb Dick Paysor Jim Hannigan Joey Joulwan Josh Neelon Katrina Goode Ken Patterson Kitt Paint (primer car, no decals or paint) Kristi Jones Mandy Misiak Mark Kenth Michelle Emser Rick Edwards Rick Humphrey Sasha Soares Scott Brewer Tom Renedo Traci Hultzapple Troi Hayes