Mx 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael

Moves                   Keys 
Bar hop:                Hold R and press Y(2).
Can Can:                Hold R and press X,(2).
Cat Nac:                Hold R and press A, B(2).
Catwalk:                Hold R and press X, Y.
Cliff Hanger:           Hold R and press B, Y.
Coffin:                 Hold R and press Y, B.
Cordova:                Hold R and press B, Y(2).
Disco Can:              Hold R and press X(3).
Hart Attack:            Hold R and press A, Y.
Heel Clicker:           Hold R and press Y.
Helicopter:             Hold R and press A, Y(2).
Indian Air:             Hold R and press A.
Kiss Of Death:          Hold R and press B(2).
Lazy Boy:               Hold R and press B, A.
McMetz:                 Hold R and press Y(3).
Mulisha Air:            Hold R and press A, X.
Nac Nac:                Hold R and press X.
No Hander:              Hold R and press B.
Nothing:                Hold R and press B, X.
Pendulum:               Hold R and press X, B.
Rocket Air:             Hold R and press A, B.
Rodeo Air:              Hold R and press Y, A.
Saran Wrap:             Hold R and press Y, X.
Seatgrab:               Hold R and press A(2).
Superfly:               Hold R and press A(2), Y.
Superman Indian:        Hold R and press A(3).
Surfer:                 Hold R and press X, Y, Y. 
Switchblade:            Hold R and press X, A. 

Girls in a hot tub:
Find some white cement walls and can squeeze behind them on 
one of the sides. Follow the path to find some girls in a hot tub.

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