Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Perfect mode:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, Down, Y, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code 
can be enabled. 

All attack upgrades:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Up, Down, Y, X. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X, B, X, Up. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Full health:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X(2), B(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Unlimited missile weapons:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X(2), Down, B. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Always devastating:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, Up, Y, Down. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Target indicator:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Down, B, Up, X. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Aragorn four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Up, X, Y, Down. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Aragorn level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Up, X, Y, Up. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Faramir four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, X, Up, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Faramir level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, Down(3). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Frodo four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Down, X, Down, B. A sound will 
confirm correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this 
code can be enabled. 

Frodo level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B(2), Down(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Gandalf four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Down, Y, Up, B. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Gandalf level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, X, Down(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Gimli four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, X, Up, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Gimli level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, B, Down, X. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Legolas four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, B, Y, X. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Legolas level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X, Up(2), Down. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Merry four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, A, X(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Merry level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Down, Y, A, X. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Pippin four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A(2), Down, B. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Pippin level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X, Up(2), B. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Sam four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Up, Down, Y(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Sam level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B(2), Y(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Play as Faramir:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A(2), Y(2). A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: 

Play as Frodo:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, X(2), A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Play as Merry:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, Down(2), A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Play as Pippin:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, B, X, Down. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can 
be enabled. 

Aragorn gains 1,000 experience points: 
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Up, X, Y, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Frodo gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Down, Y, Up, Down. A sound will 
confirm correct code entry. 

Gandalf gains 1,000 experience points: 
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, Y, Up, Down. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Gimli gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B(2), Y, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Legolas gains 1,000 experience points: 
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, Y, Up, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Sam gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, A, Down, A. A sound will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Palantir of Saruman level:
Successfully complete the game. 

Palantir of Sauron level:
Successfully complete the game with a character at level 10. 

Play as Faramir:
Successfully complete the game. 

Play as Merry:
Successfully complete the game. 

Play as Pippen:
Successfully complete the game. 

Andy Serkis interview:
Successfully complete the game. 

Billy Boyd interview:
Successfully complete the game. 

David Menham interview:
Successfully complete the game. 

Dom Monaghan interview:
Successfully complete the game. 

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