L.A. Rush

No catching up on races:
Enter "C-VHARD" as a profile name.

Slower opponents:
Enter "C-EASY" as a profile name.

Master code:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Y, Up, A, Down, X,
Left, B, Right to unlock all bonuses.

All cars in garage pimped:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, X, A, Y, Up,
Down, Left, Right.

Additional $5,000:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Left, A, Up.

Disable police:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X, Right, Y,

Always first place in street races and success in acquires or retributions:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, Left, B, Up.

All traffic at full speed:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Right, B, Left.

Unlimited nitro:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Up, Down, B, Up.

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