Genma Onimusha

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty 
setting to unlock Samanosuke's alternate costume. 

Successfully complete the game with an S rank by getting 
all of the Fluorites to unlock Kaede's alternate costume. 

Speed trial mini-game:
Collect over 20 Fluorites (blue rocks) during game play. 
Complete and save the game. The Onimusha Spirits speed trial 
mini-game will be unlocked. Successfully complete the mini-game 
to unlock the "Ultimate mode" option, which allows the game to 
be played with the Bishamon Sword, unlimited ammunition, 
99 Soul Absorbers, and automatic magic regeneration. 

Easy mode:
Start a game and die about five times under the normal difficulty 
setting. After enough deaths, a message will appear, stating that 
a new easy mode is open. Note: You cannot achieve an S rank when 
playing in easy mode. 

Difficult mode:
Successfully complete the game with a time under three hours. 

Ultimate mode:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting 
with any rank except for S. Alternately, successfully complete the 
Onimusha Spirits mini-game. 

X rank:
Successfully complete the game in difficult mode without using the 
Bishamon Sword, get and wear the Ogre Armor, and collect all of 
the Fluorites.