Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly

Completion bonuses: 
Successfully complete the game under the easy or normal difficulty settings 
to view the first ending and unlock the "Mission Mode", "Gallery", "Ghost 
List" options and the "Feel" and "Expand" camera abilities. Additionally, a 
new game can be started with the current items, maps, and camera abilities. 

Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting to also 
unlock the "Hard Mode" options, two alternate costumes (red/blue kimono 
and dark blue kimono), and glasses for Mio. 

Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to view 
the alternate ending and unlock the "Nightmare Mode" and "Album" options, 
the true ending sequence, more alternate costumes (short kimono and Yae and 
Sae kimono) and the stop lens. 

Successfully complete the game under the nightmare difficulty setting to 
view the alternate ending, two more alternate costumes (leather), the crush 
lens, development documents, and the "Promise" ending sequence. 

Successfully complete all missions in mission mode to unlock the maid 
costume and glasses for Mayu. 

Successfully complete all missions in mission mode with an "S" rank to unlock 
two additional costumes. 

Successfully complete the Ghost List to unlock set-up information.