Crazy Taxi 3

Cheat mode:
Hold L + R + X + Y + click-hold Left Analog-stick + click-hold 
Right Analog-stick on controllers one and four simultaneously
at the character selection screen. A voice will confirm correct 
code entry. All drivers, courses, and taxis will be unlocked. 

Expert mode:
Highlight a driver, then hold White + Black and press A at the 
character selection screen. The message "Expert Mode" will appear 
to confirm correct code entry. No destination or arrow indicators 
will appear in this mode. 

Disable arrow indicators:
Highlight a driver, then hold White and press A at the character 
selection screen. The message "No Arrows" will appear to confirm 
correct code entry. 

Disable destination indicator:
Highlight a driver, then hold Black and press A at the character 
selection screen. The message "No Destination Markers" will appear 
to confirm correct code entry. 

Bonus courses:
Successfully complete Crazy X level 1 to unlock the West Coast, 
Glitter Oasis, and Small Apple courses. 

Bonus taxis:
Successfully complete Crazy X level 2 to unlock the bike, 
stroller, and carriage taxis. 

Another Day mode:
Successfully complete Crazy X level 3.. 

All drivers:
Successfully complete Crazy X level S-S. 

Toggle headlights:
Click the Right Analog-stick to turn your headlights on and off.