Level select:
Enter XXX RATED CHEAT as a code at the cheat menu.

Stage select:
Enter MASS HYSTERIA as a code at the cheat menu. 

Play as Amish Boy:
Enter ELECTRICITYBAD or I LOVE WOOD as a code at the cheat menu.

All bikes:
Enter 65 SWEET RIDES as a code at the cheat menu.

Amish Boy's bikes:
Enter AMISHBOY1699 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Hellkitty's bikes:
Enter HELLKITTY487 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Itchi's bikes:
Enter ITCHI594 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Joyride's bikes:
Enter JOYRIDE18 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Karma's bikes:
Enter KARMA311 as a code at the cheat menu. 

La'tey's bikes:
Enter LATEY411 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Manuel's bikes:
Enter MANUEL415 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Mika's bikes:
Enter MIKA362436 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Nutter's bikes:
Enter NUTTER290 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Rave's bikes:
Enter RAVE10 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Skeeter's bikes:
Enter SKEETER666 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Tripledub's bikes:
Enter TRIPLEDUB922 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Twan's bikes:
Enter TWAN18 as a code at the cheat menu. 

Launch Pad 69 level:
Enter SHOWMETHEMONKEY as a code at the cheat menu.

Rampage Skatepark level:
Enter IOWARULES as a code at the cheat menu. 

The Dam level:
Enter THATDAMLEVEL as a code at the cheat menu. 

Las Vegas level:
Enter SHOWMETHEMONEY as a code at the cheat menu. 

Roots level:
Enter UNDERGROUND as a code at the cheat menu. 

Sheep Hills level:
Enter BAABAA as a code at the cheat menu. 

Syracuse level:
Enter BOYBANDSSUCK as a code at the cheat menu. 

Night vision mode:
Enter 3RD SOG as a code at the cheat menu. Objects will 
appear greenish.

Happy bunny mode:
Enter FLUFFYBUNNY as a code at the cheat menu. This mode 
allows you to get more air.

This mode also allows you to shoot other riders and objects. 
Come to a stop, then click Right Analog-stick to enter first 
person view. Press R to display crosshairs. You can also press 
Black for a scope view. Press A or B or click the 
Right Analog-stick to shoot. 

Ghost control mode:
Enter GHOSTCONTROL as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows 
you to steer ghost ridden bikes.

Super crash mode:
Enter HEAVYPETTING as a code at the cheat menu. This mode makes 
your character extra bouncy when you crash.

Green skin mode:
Enter MAKEMEANGRY as a code at the cheat menu. You can now choose a 
green skin tone in the custom rider creator. 

Visible gap mode:
Enter PARABOLIC as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows you 
to see all gaps.

More speed:
Enter Z AXIS as a code at the cheat menu. 

Fire bullets:
Enter BRONXCHEER as a code at the cheat menu. Begin a level, 
stop your rider, then move the Right Analog-stick to enter 
first person mode. Press A to shoot people and cars. 

All FMV sequences:
Enter CHAMPAGNE ROOM as a code at the cheat menu. 

Random introduction sequence:
Enter XXXINTRO as a code at the cheat menu. The introduction 
sequence will now be various FMV sequences that you have 
already unlocked.

Bonus Movie 1 FMV sequence:
Enter THISISBMXX as a code at the cheat menu. 

Bonus Movie 2 FMV sequence:
Enter KEEPITDIRTY as a code at the cheat menu. 

Dam 1 FMV sequence:
Enter BOING as a code at the cheat menu.

Dam 2 FMV sequence:
Enter THONG as a code at the cheat menu.

Final Movie FMV sequence:
Enter DDUULRRLDRSQUARE as a code at the cheat menu.

Las Vegas 1 FMV sequence:
Enter HIGHBEAMS as a code at the cheat menu. 

Las Vegas 2 FMV sequence:
Enter TASSLE as a code at the cheat menu. 

Launch Pad 69 1 FMV sequence:
Enter IFLINGPOO as a code at the cheat menu. 

Launch Pad 69 2 FMV sequence:
Enter PEACH as a code at the cheat menu.

Rampage Skatepark 2 FMV sequence:
Enter BURLESQUE as a code at the cheat menu. 

Sheep FMV sequence:
Enter ONEDOLLAR as a code at the cheat menu. 

Sheep Hills 2 FMV sequence:
Enter 69 as a code at the cheat menu.

Syracuse 1 FMV sequence:
Enter FUZZYKITTY as a code at the cheat menu. 

Syracuse 2 FMV sequence:
Enter MICHAELHUNT as a code at the cheat menu. 

The Bronx, NYC 1 FMV sequence:
Enter LAPDANCE as a code at the cheat menu. 

The Bronx, NYC 2 FMV sequence:
Enter STRIPTEASE as a code at the cheat menu. 

The Bronx, NYC 3 FMV sequence:
Enter FREESAMPLE as a code at the cheat menu. 

UGP Roots Jam 2 FMV sequence:
Enter BOOTYCALL as a code at the cheat menu. 

Park editor:
Enter BULLETPOINT as a code at the cheat menu. 
Note: This will crash the game. The editor is not present in the 
Xbox version of the game, but the option was not removed 
during the game's development.

Topless Girl mode:
Win first place in both competition levels to unlock the 
topless girl option. 

Hidden cover picture:
Remove the game cover from the case to see a more revealing 
picture on the reverse side.